You don’t want my advice
And that’s because you are in pain. My advice comes from a place of having healed a wound you’re still sitting in the sting of. When I give it to you, it feels like I’m pouring lemon juice on your raw flesh. Even though you asked for it, you pull away and writhe and argue that my advice won’t work.
The part of you that DOES want the advice is hiding. It already knows the advice. It also doesn’t want to hear it, because it KNOWS this already. And don’t you hate when people tell you about things you already know?
Advice seeking, much of the time, is done as a way to negate your own inner wisdom. It’s like saying, “Hi can you tell me the things that I’m already telling myself so that I can have a personification of my own inner wisdom to have an actual fight with?”
We ask for advice when we are sick of the inner turmoil and want to turn it outward.
This may be happening for you on an incredibly subconscious level. You may have the experience that you do NOT know. That you do NOT possess that inner wisdom at all. You’re incorrect.
We are not here on this planet, living breathing and walking around, to learn. We are here on this planet, living breathing and walking around, to remember.
Whenever I have the pull to ask someone what I should do, I try this instead:
I sit with my eyes closes and take a few deep breaths, to get present and out of my head. I think of someone in my life who might come to me for advice from time to time. I imagine them saying to me whatever advice I was wanting to ask for from another person. And then, I answer them. In words or in writing, it doesn’t matter, but I let the answers come out of me.
The answers will not fix your problem. The answers will simple light a path. It will be excruciatingly simplistic, but only excruciating to the part of you that wants to deny any and all inner wisdom. The part of you that thinks there is a correct way to live. A correct way to breathe, even. That doesn’t exist, and you know all the answers.
Try it sometime. And do yourself the favor of not writhing and arguing. Let your words be a healing salve, rather than lemon juice.