The things you congratulate yourself for
I work with a lot of extraordinary human beings, both my coaching colleagues and my clients. Something I’ve noticed is that many of us congratulate ourselves for seemingly small things. For example:
“I’m on time today!”
“I remembered to send that email!”
“I actually prepped my lunch ahead of time!”
Now, these are not completely invalid things to celebrate. I’m not trying to rain on anybody’s parade… (anybody’s TINY parade, that is)
Here’s the thing…
For an extraordinary person, these things are the equivalent of saying “I put my pants on today!”
Of course you did… why are we celebrating this?
Maybe you don’t consider yourself extraordinary
Maybe you don’t want to raise the bar too high
Maybe you’d like to keep managing expectations of yourself
Maybe you’re committed to playing small
Whatever the reason, I ask you this… what would you be celebrating if you related to yourself as extraordinary? And what tiny celebrations would you cut out?
For me it would be “I closed a $50k coaching deal!” instead of “I had a sample coaching session this week!”
Your turn…